Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Karissa – Almost Finished

This is coming along.

I still have some details and finishing to do.

I'm also deciding about adding the cute, if less than accurately applied, nail polish.  Check it out in the photo.

What do you think?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Karissa Beginnings

This is an unfinished portrait of my niece Karissa that I started some years ago.  I've pulled it out of the archives to finally finish it.

If you compare it to the reference photo below, you'll notice that I did some clean up to the original. That's the magic of portraiture!

Here is the reference photo.

My sister Pat is the photographer and will be the recipient of the finished painting.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ziva Progress

Next installment of Ziva's underpainting.

I'm liking the look of this as a monochromatic piece and have decided to make a print of it before completing the color portrait.

This is almost there, just a wee bit more polish.

Notice what's missing? Ziva's training collar! (See photo reference.)

Much better, don't you think?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ziva Beginnings

Hold on tight, here we go!

This is a good start on the underpainting, the first step after transferring my drawing to the painting surface. I used Light Umber Prismacolor® pencil on white Rising Stonehenge® paper.

There is still a lot of work to do before this is ready for color, but I wanted you to get a preview of this step.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Vote Is In!

You voted and we listened!

There's something about Ziva's eyes in photo #2 that just captures your heart!


We toyed with the idea of doing her full body, because it shows her great form and obedience, but decided the eyes have it all, the rest is extraneous.

Full body Pose

Monday, June 20, 2011

Vote on Ziva Photos

You are invited to join me on the journey of creating a beautiful legacy portrait...

This is Ziva, Lorraine's awesome American Bulldog, not quite a year old. She is such a sweetheart!

We got together for a fun photo shoot and Ziva was such a ham for the camera—or maybe she just enjoyed all the extra attention!

These are the selections we have narrowed down to for an "up close and personal" portrait.

Which one is your fav?






Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ollie Bear Story Board

Some initial storyboard sketches for Christmas on Grandpa's Farm